Your All In One for fighting needs!
This is an AIO fighter script for Oldschool Runescape. With a customisable npc list and looting to get you max combat before you know it.
Any feedback please let me know on the methods below:
- Within reason, don't expect it to do anything which requires any custom methods such as bossing etc.
- Custom NPC radius
- Stops you getting lured else where, will always drag you back to the start within the radius
Quick Attacking
- No unnecessary stalling after the NPC has died for faster xp
- Set your minimum loot threshold in the start up settings
- Start with food in your inventory for the script to pick up what food you want to use
- Select your food amount, so when banking, we know how many to withdraw
- Super sets, combat, super combat & ranging included
Prayer Protection
Prayer Restore
- Currently only accepting prayer potions
Bury Bones
- If selected, will collect and bury the bones.
Special Attack
- Select your spec weapon from the drop down and the required %
Ammo Looting
- If using range, it'll loot your arrows and re-equip them