Welcome to this quick guide for installing PowBot on an Android device using Windows 10. The guide will walk you through downloading all the requirements in order to install PowBot on your mobile Android device. In order to complete the first steps of the installation process you need access to a computer with Windows installed on it. Once the PowBot client is installed you will no longer require a computer to operate it.

Connecting to your device

Step 1. Enable developer mode

To use PowBot on your Android phone, tablet or box you need to enable developer mode on the device first. Every device will implement this a little bit differently, but the rough steps are as follows:

  1. Open the Settings app on your Android device
  2. Find an "About phone" or "About device" option in the Settings and press it
  3. Look for a field named "Build number" and tap it 7 times
  4. Developer mode should now be enabled

Step 2. Turn on USB debugging

The PowBot installer needs to communicate with your device in order to do it's job. Before plugging the phone into your computer using the charging cable, we have to turn on USB debugging.

  1. Open the Settings app on your Android device
  2. Find the "Developer Options" section, usually hidden behind another section called "System"
  3. Find the USB debugging toggle and turn it on
  4. USB debugging should now be enabled

Step 3. Plug your device into the computer

Now it's time to plug your device into your computer. We recommend that you do so with the cable that came with your device, but generally any microUSB or USB-C cable will work depending on your device. Once it's plugged in, wait for Windows to detect it and install the drivers and then proceed to the next step.

Step 4. Uninstall OSRS if it's already installed

This might not seem to be the most intuitive step, but please uninstall OSRS on your device before attempting to install PowBot. The PowBot installer will take care of installing itself and the game for you.

Installing OpenJDK 11 on Your PC

Step 1. Downloading OpenJDK 11 on Your PC

The OpenJDK11 download site

In order to run the PowBot installer you need a system with Java 11 installed. You can obtain Java 11 for free using this link: https://adoptium.net?/variant=openjdk11/

Step 2. Running the OpenJDK 11 installer

The OpenJDK 11 installer

Open the MSI file you just downloaded from the link above and complete the installation process with all the default options.

Step 3. Verify that it works

A command prompt verifying that Java is installed

Open Command Prompt and type in "java -version" as shown in the screenshot above. The command should complete successfully and tell you which version of Java is installed, which should be OpenJDK 11. If this doesn't work, try uninstalling any Java versions you have installed and retrace your steps.

Installing PowBot using your PC

Step 1. Download PowBot

This part of the guide assumes you already have a PowBot account and are an active VIP forum subscriber. Log onto the PowBot forums and scroll down to the download links, clicking the Client (V2) link. This will download the PowBot installer.

Step 2. Run the installer

Right-click on the downloaded installer JAR file and press Open. It should open with the Java 11 that you installed above.

After a few seconds the window displayed above should open with the installer. To install onto a connected Android device we want to use the ADB tab, so go ahead and click on that.

Now a quick run-down of how to interpret the installer UI. Under the ADB tab there are two important elements.

1) The instance list

The instance list is a list of all connected devices. You can refresh this list (when plugging in a new device or disconnecting an old one) by pressing the Refresh button.

Selecting an instance from this list and then pressing either the delete or install button below will perform those actions on the devices you've selected only.

2) The install button

This is the button you want to use after selecting the device(s) that you want to install PowBot on in the instance list.

Step 3. Install the client

Select an instance from the instance list (or create a new instance using the create button if you don't have one) and then press the Install button. The progress bar in the bottom right will let you know once the installation is completed. The installer will also automatically start the OSRS app in the installer.

Now that PowBot has been installed on your device - if you want to run PowBot in the future - you can now just run the OSRS app directly from your app drawer / launcher instead of the installer.

We recommend that you now move on to the Getting Started guide, where you will learn more about how to control PowBot on your device.

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